Jim Gras's Articles
March 3, 2008 by Jim Gras
As surrogate mothers go on with their surrogacy journey they come to the point where they are asked what their “fee” is. They may be asked this by and agency, a potential intended parent or even just a friend or family member. This question sounds simple enough but it is not. The compensation a surrogate mother receives may or may not include some or all of the many expenses the surrogate pregnancy will create for the surrogate and her family. For this reason there is no flat answer ...
December 13, 2007 by Jim Gras
If you want to become a surrogate mother you require preparing and educating yourself. For women considering the option of surrogacy, understanding the process involved in approval for surrogacy, the emotional and psychological implication as well as the physical implications will provide for a more educated decision process. You must read articles, books, internet for detailed information about all the process and legal issues. Take time to think about the effects of a pregnancy on your li...